Friday, August 30, 2013


Check your child's red homework folder for their Flat Stanley / Sally!  The directions for this program can be found in their folder as well as our blog!   Happy travels!!! 

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Families of Room 31!!

What a wonderful first day we all experienced!!!   I was so excited to have my room filled with eager and excited students!  

Today we spent some time with Mrs. Fallis – our music teacher and Mrs. LeMay – our HEALTH teacher.   We also visited the cafeteria and had Mrs. Clouter review with us the routine and expectations in the cafeteria.  We spent some time unpacking our supplies.   Some supplies  the extras we did not ask for, were sent home (or to be kept in their backpacks) as we don’t have room to store them in our small buckets. 

Today the children came home with their planners and homework folders. The homework folder and planner are to travel between home and school on a daily basis.   In their homework folder are four forms that need to be signed and returned.

    •  Fair Play Slip
    •  Nature Trail Form
    •  Nurse Consent Form
    •  Bullying Pledge

Please review these forms tonight and send them back with your child in the morning.   I also ask that you:

    •  send your child to school each day with a WATER BOTTLE and SNACK

    •  sign your child’s planner EVERY NIGHT!!

Tomorrow the students will have CHORUS and Thursday is PE (or GYM) so make sure your child wears their sneakers on Thursday! 

Some children did not bring in all their supplies today.   This is fine.  Please let me know if you are having trouble finding any of the materials as I may have extra's in class for your child.  

I look forward to a GREAT YEAR!     I would appreciate you responding to this email so I know that you received it and let me know what is the best way to reach you – email, phone and / or note!