Monday, October 27, 2014

Parent Conference Reminders

Today I sent home with your child a parent conference reminder and preconference form.  Please take the time this week to fill out the preconference form and return it this week,  as I want to make the most of the time we have allotted for our conference.  Our conferences on Nov. 4th are only 15 minutes so this form will assure that I am able to share information I need to share and have time to address any questions  / concerns you have.  Most families need to return this form by Friday, yet if your conference is taking place this week, please check out the return day on the form sent home.

Also, please remember that there will be NO SCHOOL for students on Tuesday, November 4th, as it is our parent conference day.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Oct. 6th

TUESDAY October 7th is a HALF DAY for students.  Dismissal will be at 12:15.  Please send your child to school with their snack.  NO LUNCHES will be served!

Math Night for Parents with Dr. Richard Bisk
THURSDAY - October 9th  
7:00 PM   Oak Middle School

Please consider attending this evening as Richard Bisk. He is a professor of Mathematics at Worcester State University.  He received a Ph.D. in mathematics from Clark University in 1984.  He has taught a wide array of mathematics courses ranging from remedial math to calculus, linear algebra, mathematical modeling and number theory.  Dr. Bisk has given presentations at local, national and international conferences on his work the mathematics books from Singapore.  He is also a consulting author for the Math in Focus textbook series.

I hope to see you there!!!

Miss Finneran