Sunday, September 21, 2014

Important Evenings!

Tuesday September 23rd
6:30 – 7:30

    I look forward to meeting all of you.  This evening is for parents only.    As we only have a short while to review information, I plan to start promptly at 6:30.  Mrs. Clouter will be speaking to everyone after our session is over.
         Remember to sign up a for a parent conference this evening.  I have many slots available on parent conference day and a few slot son alternative days.

7:00 PM 
October 9th
Oak Middle School

            Please consider attending this evening as Richard Bisk. He is a professor of Mathematics at Worcester State University.  He received a Ph.D. in mathematics from Clark University in 1984.  He has taught a wide array of mathematics courses ranging from remedial math to calculus, linear algebra, mathematical modeling and number theory.  Dr. Bisk has given presentations at local, national and international conferences on his work the mathematics books from Singapore.  He is also a consulting author for the Math in Focus textbook series.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Important Reminders

Families of Room 31 ~

Just a reminder that tomorrow - Wednesday, September 17th is school picture day!

Also... please consider attending the PTO meeting this THURSDAY evening at 6:00.(Please note time change.)  The more people we have taking on some tasks to support our students, the less work falls on the same people!  Let's spread the wealth!

Lastly, don't forget about the fall fundraiser!  I've been able to hand out a few necklaces to students for returning their fundraising coupons.  Many have stated that they keep forgetting to bring in their sales coupons.  If you child has sold 5, 10 or 20 items they can turn in their signed coupons - receive a necklace / chain.  If you child sells 10 or 20 items, they can be entered into a raffle for an Android Tablet.  All money raised goes to our PTO to support enrichment programs, field trips buses as well as other items / activities for our school and students!

I look forward to meeting you on Curriculum Night - Tuesday, September 23rd.

Kelly Finneran

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Week of September 15h

A few important reminders for this week:

Picture Day - Wednesday  September 13, 2014

~ Curriculum Night is Tuesday, September 23rd.
    I hope to meet most of you this evening!

Our school's fall fundraiser was sent home last week.
If you child sells 5, 10 or 20 items they can turn in their slips and they will receive a necklace of choice.  Please consider helping out.   If you have questions, please see the Coolidge List Serve for further details.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Week of September 8, 2014

Families of Room 31 ~

Please check out the classblog for the updated September newsletter.    A few important reminders this week:

1.  Please make sure your child returns their decorated Writer's Notebook on Monday.  We need to use the back side for our first spelling list.

2.  Please sign and return your child's math goals that are coming home on Monday.

3.  SNEAKERS on TUESDAYS!  It's GYM day!

4.  Media begins this Thursday!

5.  If you are ordering, books orders are due on Thursday September 11th.  You can access the order sight on the class blog.  (Right hand side of the blog)

6.  Continent and Ocean test is Friday the 12th.  Correct spelling will be worth bonus points but I expect that all words begin with a capital and the words are phonetically correct / close to correct.

Please don't hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions.

Kelly Finneran

Monday, September 1, 2014

Great First Week!

            We had a wonderful first week together.  We spent a great deal of time getting to know each other, our classroom and began reviewing the fourth grade expectations. Every child came to school each morning with a positive attitude and prepared for the day ahead.  I am look forward for the coming weeks and cannot wait to get to know every child even better!
            This week we focused a lot on how to be a good role model at Coolidge.   This is a natural fit now that they are the “elders” of the building!   They all seemed ready for this responsibility and modeled following the classroom / school expectations with very little reminders from me! WOW!
            We began reading our first read aloud – Love That Dog by Sharon Creech.   Modeling  how readers think and interact with the story was the focus  of our discussions.  The students made insightful predictions and used some great inference skills.

           This week we will focus on our HOPES & DREAMS we each have.  We will also work to establish our classroom expectations!

The students worked to create their personal Flat Stanley / Sally.  Their travel buddies along with instructions were sent home with the students on Thursday.  Please keep these at home.  We would appreciate any postcards / pictures from travelers as the venture through the United States or the World!  Please see the FLAT STANLEY heading on this blog for more details.


1.  All about Me bags are due back to school tomorrow!
2.  Tuesday is our gym day!  Sneakers are needed!
3.   Please send your child to school every day with a water
     bottle and snack!

I hope you all had a wonderful LONG weekend and enjoyed the wonderful weather.

~  Miss Finneran