Monday, April 22, 2019


Families of Room 31 ~

Just a reminder that the fourth graders will be taking their ELA MCAS Tuesday, April 23rd and Wednesday, April 24th.  We have sent home a few reminders already, yet wanted to touch base via email too.  I am attaching the memo that was sent and have highlighted a few items below.

1.  Please make sure you child arrived to school on time the next few days.  It would be most helpful if they are parent drop off that they are in the classroom by 8:45 to get settled and use the bathroom.  We want some time for discussion for a whole group "pep talk" starting at 9:00.

2.  SNACKS and WATER BOTTLE(S) - Please make sure your child has TWO snacks.  One will be eater prior to testing (before 9:15) and the other will be during the test as a "refuel"  quick break."

3.  BREAKFAST and SLEEP - its important the the students eat a good healthy breakfast for "energy" and that they do their best to get a good night's sleep.

The rest of the reminder is in the memo 2019 4th Grade MCAS ELA reminder.doc  that was sent home before vacation and today.

I am COMPLETELY confident that each and every student is well prepared for this.  It is my goal to help they "relax" and use their nervous energy as a resources.  Please reach out if you have any questions.

BLUE COMMUNICATION FOLDERS - I noted today when packing communication folders today that several haven't been emptied and are filled with prior notices, corrected papers and other pieces of information.  Please make sure you CLEAN OUT this folder the night you get it and return it EMPTIED the next day!