Saturday, March 26, 2016


It's hard to believe that April is approaching us so quickly.  Below are just a few important pieces of information:
1.  SPRING FLING - Thanks to those 9 families that have sent in either the $5.00 or the SPORTS ITEM in support of our class basket.  The Spring Fling is on the evening of April 8th.  It is a great family night and a wonderful fundraiser for the PTO.  Please do you part and consider supporting sending in your money or item on MONDAY.  WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT!

2.  SOCIAL STUDIES TEST - On Friday, I sent home a study guide and the students' social studies textbook.  They are going to have a test on the MIDWEST on Monday April 4th.  I wanted to give the families at least a week to prepare and the possibility of studying over TWO weekends.  Please review the notes / text with your child.  The test will be similar in format to the previous test on the South.    Please keep your child's textbook at home to review until Monday, April 4th.  

3. TISSUES  -  Our classroom is running seriously low on our tissue supply.  The last of the winter colds and the beginning of allergy season is taking its toll on our supply.  Please consider picking up an extra box of tissues when you are shopping and sending it in with your child.  This should help us get through the remainder of the school year.

As always, thanks for your continued support.  If you have any questions / concerns, please don't hesitate to get in touch.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016


On Friday, April 8th, Coolidge will be holding it's Annual Spring Fling Ice Cream Social event.

The PTO will be putting together baskets to raffle off during this event.  Our classroom has been assigned the SPORT theme. We are asking each student to bring in an item that fits the sport theme, or $5, and the PTO will shop for you. The PTO asks that all items be sent into our classroom by Monday, March 28th, so that they'll have time to assemble the baskets.

Thank you in advance for your support and to those families that have already sent in cash or a sports item!

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

JOIN US! Most Likely to Succeed Viewing


Please consider joining me at the screening of  Most Likely to Succeed on Wednesday, March 16th at 6:30pm in the SHS auditorium where we will view and discuss this compelling film. 

Below is a brief synopsis of the film.

The current educational system in the United States was developed a century ago during the rise of the industrial age and was once the envy of the world. However, the world economy has since transformed profoundly, but the US education system has not. Schools are attempting to teach and test skills, when mastered, that still leave graduates woefully unprepared for the 21st Century. After presenting this problem, the documentary focuses on the story of a school in San Diego that is completely rethinking what the experience of going to school looks like. As we follow students, parents and teachers through a truly unorthodox school experience, the audience is forced to consider what sort of educational environment is most likely to succeed in the 21st century?