Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Feb. 9th Update

I want to again remind everyone that there is a social studies test on the south this THURSDAY.  The students took home their STUDY GUIDE and their SOCIAL STUDIES text book last Wednesday to being studying.  I was surprised to see several of their text books still in their backpacks today.  The cover page of the study guide breaks down what is expected on the test.  It is important that the students are reviewing both their notes and their text book every night.  There is no spelling this week so the students can devote more time to their studying.  Please take the time to review this material with them.  They need to return the text book to school on THURSDAY.

The students were assigned health homework from Mrs. LeMay last Tuesday.  It was due today.  Only 9 students passed it in.  The students were told last week that this assignment counts as a test grade.  Please make sure they return the assignment COMPLETED tomorrow.

We need your help!  Mrs. Clouter already shared but it begs repeating. We are critically behind with our Time for Kids campaign. Please do your part to fill 7 entries in your family’s book so that we can continue to provide this important resource at no cost to our school. Only 8 students from our class have returned their booklets.  If you are not going to fill yours out, please return it to school so it can be filled out by someone else.  TFK is a GREAT NONFICTION resource and it is quite a savings to get this subscription FREE.  Our class this year is benefiting from last years group filling our and returning the booklets!


 Just reminder for parents that the blue communications folders go home the first day of every week.  PLEASE look for this in your child's backpack, take out the memo's / corrected work and send it back to school the next day with your child.  Recently , I have had a few students return their folders with ALL their work / memo's in there.    Also, please remember to check your child's planner and sign it every night!

I am in the process of setting up / meeting with my students and their families for the next round of conferences.  I choose to do this as a check in point to review strengths and areas of concern / focus with my students and their families.   I have already met with some families but will be reaching out to set these up with my families either before school or after school.  Each conference should last about 1/2 hour.  Be on the lookout for an email in the near future if you have not already received one.  If you have a preferred time (before school or after school), please send me an email so I can assign you a date in the time slot that works for you.

Monday, February 8, 2016


Looks like Mother Nature and the Punxsutawney Phil are clashing.    I just wanted to remind everyone of a few things:

SOCIAL STUDIES TEST - The students have their study guides and social studies books home with them.  The test on the SOUTH will be this Thursday!  Keep studying!

XTRA MATH - Students are able to access XTRA MATH from home.  This might be a good activity to try while home due to the snow.

CANNED FOOD - The final day for the food drive is this coming Thursday.  Thanks to all of you who have helped with this endeavor.  Our class has met the goal of 100 items and are very close to making our next goal of 150 items!  Thanks for all your support to this worthy cause.

BOOK ORDERS - Book orders are due on Wednesday.  You can send your order in with a check to Scholastic Reading Club or can order online.

  - We are holding a Valentine's celebration on Friday.  If your child is choosing to participate, they must deliver a Valentine to EVERY student in the class.  (We have 19 students!)  Remember, they may not hand out any Valentines that include candy, yet they are able to bring in an extra snack for themselves if they would like.

Enjoy another day of snow!

Miss Finneran