Friday, August 31, 2018


Families of Room 31 ~
I hope you all enjoy the extended weekend.  We were certainly tired after our first days back to school.  What an exciting and HOT  first week we had!
            •  We unpacked and labeled all our notebooks and folders
• We enjoyed some “get to know you” activities
            •  We began reviewing / discussing class and homework expectations
            •  We began to utilize our planners and homework folders.
            •  We took two of our math 100 fact quizzes and one spelling assessment
            •  We completed a scavenger hunt of the room 
WRITER’S NOTEBOOK ~ Wednesday I sent the students home wit their Writer’s Notebook, as well as a blue handout with directions.  The students are to decorate the FRONT of the notebooks with pictures / photographs / drawings / lists / memories / quotes that you can use as inspiration for writing their own stories.  This is optional There is a picture on the back of the blue paper to assist you in what it should look like.  Please have your child return their notebook by Thursday, September 6th.
ALL ABOUT ME BAGS – Don’t forget to have your child complete / return their ALL ABOUT ME bag by Wednesday, September 5th.  We need these for our getting to know you activities.
Please remember to send your child to school everyday with a SNACK and WATER BOTTLE.  Our lunch is at 1:05 and they need a snack to hold them.  Also, our room is HOT and a water bottle is suggested to keep them hydrated all year long.  Remember – NO NUTS/ TREENUTS!
PLANNERS - Don’t forget to check and SIGN your child’s planner every night.   They have homework Monday – Thursday and their planner and homework folder should be coming home and back to school EVERYDAY!
SUMMER READING / SUMMER MATH – All summer reading / math calendars were due this week.  I am still tracking down a few.    If your child has not, please make sure the works comes in next Tuesday.
Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have ANY QUESTIONS.   Email is the best way to reach me, yet you may send in a note / write a note in the planner if you would like.
I look forward to meeting all of you at Curriculum Night on September 13th.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Great First Day

Families of Room 31!!

What a wonderful first day we all experienced!!!   I was so excited to have my room filled with eager and excited students! 

We spent some time unpacking and labeling our supplies.   Some supplies  -  the extras we did not ask for, were sent home (or to be kept in their backpacks) as we don’t have room to store them in our small buckets.

Today the children will come home with their planners and homework folders. The homework folder and planner are to travel between home and school on a daily basis.  Tonight, students and parents are to read / review the opening day letter that was sent home in the communication folder.  Please make sure your child brings back their planner / homework folder and an empty communication folder tomorrow.

I also ask that you:
            •  send your child to school each day with a WATER BOTTLE and SNACK.  Remember to be allergy aware!
            •  sign / initial your child’s planner EVERY NIGHT!!
Tomorrow the students will have PE and CHORUS.   Don’t forget sneakers!

Just a reminder - Friday is a day off for students as teachers attend a professional development training.  Also, Monday is Labor day so there will be no school!

I look forward to a GREAT YEAR!   Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions.

Monday, August 27, 2018

Welcome to Room 31

Welcome to Room 31 ~
I am so excited for the first day of school tomorrow! My classroom is located on the third floor - Room 31. Here are just a few reminders regarding the first day.

1.  TRANSPORTATION FORM - Thanks to those of you whom have already sent this in.  If you have not, please send  your child's transportation plan with them to school tomorrow morning. You can also email it directly to me if you'd like.    Also, please make sure your child knows how he or she is getting home!

2. WATER BOTTLE / SNACK -  As you know, this week is going to be very hot. Please send your child to school each day with a water bottle or two to bring into the classroom. This water bottle can be refilled throughout the day as needed.   I know some students have frozen them in the past to keep them cooler.    Also, lunch is at 1:05.  Please make sure your child has a snack each day as 1:05 is a long time to wait without any "fuel!" 

3. SUMMER MATH / READING CALENDARS - Summer math and reading calendars will be collected tomorrow upon arrival. Please make sure your child them completed with their name on them. 

4.  COMMUNICATION FOLDERS - A blue communication folder will be sent home a the beginning of each week.  Please take out the notices / corrected papers and send the folder back with your child the following day.

5.  PLANNERS / HOMEWORK FOLDERS - Your child will come home with a planner and homework folder every day.  I (or another adult in the room) will initial the planner every day to make sure they have copied the assignment correctly.  Please make sure your child completed their assignment each night.   Once you know they have, please sign / initial your child's planner EVERY NIGHT and have them pack it in their backpack for the next day!

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to get in touch.  I'm looking forward to working with you to support your child in having a successful fourth grade!

Warm wishes ~